Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bridge Blog 492: Quiet exit

          I should thank Pawan Matta for taking my bridge year out on a small positive note when she stopped back in Buffalo to play on Tuesday between her trip to see her daughter in Florida and her trip to see her son in New York City. Although I played most of our contracts, she brought home three small slams, bidding one of them boldly and making another one that most pairs didn’t bid and didn’t take 12 tricks. The result was a 49.77% game, not my finest effort during these last two weeks of 2011, but worth half a point for coming in fourth in the B strat.
          So it was a muted finale to a couple relatively stellar months – November, when I finally became a Life Master, and December, when I had a big week in the Sectional Tournament at the Clubs (STaC). Nevertheless, the past two weeks reminded me of the shortcomings of my game and suggested a few goals for 2012. First goal – 200 points for the year at least, a mark I didn’t reach in 2011. Sobering thought – at 200 points a year, it will take me until 2018 to become a Gold Life Master.

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