Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bridge Blog 441: Mustard round

          Nothing like the August doldrums to take all the blogging spirit out of you. My doldrums were double. Firstly, my game was in slump, one 40-odd percent round after another and no points to speak of. Beyond that, in the great shuffle at The Buffalo News in the wake of the latest round of buy-out retirements, I’m been dragooned over to the city desk for three weeks, which pushes me at the outer limits of my time and my writing energies. When I finally get clear of my obligations around 3 a.m., the gas tank’s empty.
Not that I haven’t had things to write about. Reflecting on my slump, there was the question of whether the problem was with me or my partners. And after the slump, there was a month-end bump. And finally there was still another death in the bridge family – the woman who was my first regular partner, Maggie McNamara. So in the spirit of Bill Rieker, former director of the former B&P Bridge Club, here’s the mustard round, where we ketchup on things with three new blogs in all, and get back on schedule.

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