Sunday, December 4, 2016

Bridge Blog 920-A: Annual meeting and game

The annual Unit 116 meeting definitely plays second fiddle to the annual picnic. There’s more food at the picnic and, hey, it’s picnic food. Plus there are two games instead of one and no business to conduct.
Nevertheless, the food was good Saturday in the Social Hall at the Main-Transit Fire Company in Amherst. You can’t go wrong with Weidner’s roast chicken, which is also the centerpiece of the picnic menu. Paul Zittel, who was all over the room as host, came around with second helpings. Resistance was futile.
The business end was pretty painless, too. The balance sheet was $2,000 ahead of where it was a year ago. The election for the board of directors was no contest – three seats, three candidates: Sue Neuberger, Gay Simpson and Denise Slattery.
Membership stands at 437, despite the departure of more than a dozen players who were honored with a moment of silence. And attendance at this affair was vigorous – 25 tables.
It felt like a game in St. Catharines. Two boards a round. But not as fast. Director Brian Meyer did his best to get people to finish quickly, but half the time partner Judie Bailey and I found ourselves standing and waiting.
It was a good day for us East-West players, as the North-Souths repeatedly told us, but Judie and I did not convert our good cards into good fortune.
We started off by missing a 3 No Trump game, thanks to interference by Judy Kaprove sitting North, who bid Spades on a J-10-9-8-7-3 suit after I opened my 19-point hand with 1 Club. Later on we missed the grand slam on Board 18. Would Judie have lost a trick and made only 6 Spades if we bid 7? Hard to say.
          Still, I had hopes of finishing around 50%. Looking at the hand records, it didn’t seem so bad. But it wasn’t even close. 36.5%. Hand records and commentary (!) can be found at But scores from Saturday’s game aren’t up yet here on Sunday night

1 comment:

  1. Super interesting share about Annual meeting and game. I am truly in love with this meeting and I truly liked the meeting venue. I also have been trying to find best meeting space San Francisco for our annual business event. Hopefully will find one soon.
