Famous hand of the week at the Airport Bridge Club was played on Tuesday and I had it. It was a 7 No Trump grand slam, but partner Alicia Kolipinski and I didn’t bid it. We stopped at 3 No Trump. I opened the bidding at 2 Clubs with these cards:
Spades: K-J-4
Hearts: A-K-Q-J-9-4
Diamonds: Q-3
Clubs: A-5
Alicia bid 2 Diamonds, I responded 2 Hearts, she bid 3 Diamonds and I went to 3 No Trump. Her hand looked like this:
Spades: A-9-5
Hearts: 3
Diamonds: A-J-9-8-7
Clubs: K-Q-9-7
A Spade was led and it was a laydown. Three Spade tricks, six Hearts, the Ace of Diamonds and three Clubs. We were the second table to play it. First one bid and made 7 NT. Do I go wrong bidding 2 Clubs? Club manager Bill Finkelstein said at the end of the day that 2 Clubs was the right bid, but my partner, with 14 high card points, needed to push to slam.
At nine tables, only two pairs bid the grand slam. Two others bid 6 NT and made an overtrick. We were the only ones who didn’t bid the slam who took all 13 tricks. The other two took 12. And then there were the poor unfortunates who wound up at 4 Hearts. They made two overtricks and had the bottom board.
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