This one was pure larceny in Wednesday’s game with Celine Murray. Board 3 again. East-West vulnerable. South deals. I’m East, Celine is West. Our opponents shall remain nameless to protect their innocence. Here’s my hand:
Spades: K-9-8-5-4; Hearts: A-K-5-3; Diamonds: 9-8-3; Clubs: Q.
The bidding escapes my memory, but it’s pretty clear that South passes and Celine bids a Club. I’m pretty sure North bids a Diamond and I bid a Spade. Then Celine rebids her Clubs, which do me no good, and North rebids the Diamonds. I think I go to 2 Hearts. North persists to 3 Diamonds and Celine corrects to 3 Spades. Pass, pass, pass. The lead, if I’m not mistaken, is Ace of Diamonds, followed by something other than a Heart. I think it was a Club. Here’s the dummy.
Spades: A-Q; Hearts: Q-J; Diamonds: J-7; Clubs: A-10-8-6-4-3-2.
With South leading a Club, I play the singleton Queen, then it’s King, Ace. I go to the Dummy’s two high trumps, trump a Club to get back to my hand and draw the last trump with the King of Spades. Then I go to dummy’s Hearts, trump another Club and cash my remaining high Hearts. Then I lose two more Diamonds. Hmm, that would be 4 Spades and I only made three. They must have trumped a Heart, but didn’t go in for the kill. Here are the other hands:
Spades: J-6-3; Hearts: None; Diamonds: K-Q-10-6-5-4-2; Club: K-J-9.
Spades: 10-7-2; Hearts: 10-9-8-7-6-4-2; Diamonds: A; Clubs: 7-5.
Out of eight tables, my plus 140 turns out to be the second-best score on this hand, though I thought for sure I was going down. All the other East-Wests who take the contract take it in Clubs. One of them makes 3 Clubs. Two are in 4 Clubs, down one. Still another is in 5 Clubs doubled, down two for a bottom. But sometimes North-South wins the bid. One of them bids and makes 4 Diamonds. Another goes down one at 3 Diamonds. And still another must have done a sacrifice bid of 5 Diamonds and paid the price – down two doubled. That’s the top board for East-West.
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