Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Bridge Blog 1114: Santa Claus rally

They both took an upswing between Thanksgiving and New Year’s – Wall Street and my fortunes at the bridge table.
The trend was the friend for the Dow and the NASDAQ. For me, though, the trend was bouncing along a bottom. This upward reversal was quite unexpected.
It began with the annual Unit 116 meeting and game back at the beginning of December, when Flo Boyd and I turned in a 60.64% game amid some of the toughest players in town and won 1.97 points for our efforts.
That came a day after a red-letter day in St. Catharines, when Selina Volpatti and I came in first North-South with 60.80% against another tough field and collected 1.50 points.
Then it was STaC Week, the Sectional Tournament at the Clubs. The hoped-for big game never materialized, but the rewards were slow and steady. I ended the week with 8.98 points. Big improvement over last December, when I won only 2.52 points in the Winter STaC.
Add to that a couple stellar Mondays at the Airport Bridge Club – first overall with Judie Bailey on Dec. 16 with 57.09% to collect 3.19 points and then, on Dec. 23, first in our direction in a last-minute pairing with a truly good player – Barbara Libby. That 61.58% earned us 3 points even.
A 20-point month, at least. Maybe 25. A great way to send out the year and the decade …

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