In Tuesday morning’s game with Marie Suprinick, I made two outrageous bidding decisions, one which paid off and one which didn’t. The bad one came first on Board 9 against Jerry Geiger and Judi Marshall. East-West vulnerable, North (Marie) is dealer. She opens 1 No Trump. Jerry passes. I’m holding this hand.
Spades: A-7-2. Hearts: A-8-5-2.
Diamonds: A-J-9-2. Clubs: 8-5.
Well, it’s an opener opposite a 1 NT opener. We’ve got game, for sure, but where? I bid 2 Clubs for Stayman, asking for a major. Marie bids 2 Diamonds, denying a four-card major suit. Then Jerry doubles. How many tricks do we have, I wonder. Do we make 5 Diamonds? Maybe. I pass. Judi thinks long and hard before she passes. Marie passes. It’s 2 Diamonds doubled. Marie could have made 4 Diamonds if she took a marked finesse on Jerry, but she didn’t and only made 3. Unfortunately, the score for that is just 280. It was a bottom board. Everybody else is making 3, 4 and 5 No Trump. Jerry remarks that the pass was a good bid, but Marie should have redoubled. That would have given us a top score. Then again, maybe I should have redoubled. Here are the other hands.
Spades: K-10-8. Hearts: K-Q.
Diamonds: Q-7-6-4. Clubs: A-J-9-2.
Diamonds: Q-7-6-4. Clubs: A-J-9-2.
Spades: Q-6-3. Hearts: 10-9-4.
Diamonds: K-10-8-5. Clubs; 10-7-4. He led a Diamond.
Spades: J-9-5-4. Hearts: J-7-6-3.
Diamonds: 4. Clubs: K-Q-6-3.
The second outrage was more successful. It rescued us from a bottom board on the losing side of a slam by Art Schumacher and Barb Multerer and gave us an average score. It was Board 19. East-West is vulnerable. I’m South and I’m the dealer. I pass with the hand:
Spades: None. Hearts: 9-8-6-5-2.
Diamonds: 10-9-7-3. Clubs: J-6-4-2.
West (Barb) opens a Spade and Marie jumps in with 2 Diamonds. East supports the Spades – was it with a Jacoby 2 NT bid, I don’t remember – and I look at my hand again. Worthless, but I have ruffing values. If we play Diamonds, they don’t take any Spade tricks. I bid 3 Diamonds.
Eventually, after Art and Barb check for Aces and settle for 6 Spades, I reach for the bidding box and pull out the card for 7 Diamonds. Astounding! But, of course, the vulnerability is in our favor. If they make 6 Spades, which is likely, they get 1430 points. If we manage to go down only six doubled, they get only 1400 points. They doubled and indeed that’s what happened. Here are the other hands.
Spades: 9-7-3. Hearts: 10-3.
Diamonds: K-Q-8-6-2. Clubs: K-Q-10.
Spades: K-8-6-4. Hearts: A-K-J-4.
Diamonds: 4. Clubs: A-9-7-3.
Spades: A-Q-J-10-5-2. Hearts: Q-7.
Diamonds: A-J-5. Clubs: 8-5.
Of course, not everyone bid 6 Spades (which made an overtrick). Four of them did and got 1460. Three of them stopped at 4 Spades and took all 13 tricks anyway, scoring 710. We were in the middle, capturing four out of a possible seven game points.
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