Bridge Blog 696: Learning to love defense
was the kind of game I love, that Wednesday session with the ebullient Judy
Kaprove at the Airport Bridge Club. Heavy on offense. We were declarers on 16
of 24 hands and wound up with 59.33%, first overall, for 1.98 points.
we win because of our offensive play? Let’s look at percentages. I played seven
hands and won 25 match points out of a possible 35, or 71.42%. Judy played
eight hands and 27.2 match points out of a possible 40, or 68%. Guess there was
nothing wrong with our offense.
double session with the lovely Dianne Bloom at the Airport Club was quite the
opposite. We were on defense all day long, first as North-South, winning the
bid on only six of 23 boards, and then as East-West, when we successful bidders
10 of 21 times, although there were at least three hands that we should have left alone.
Our defense was good enough in the
morning session to win us master points, 0.45 red, 0.44 black, with a 47.23%
game. On the three hands where I took the bid, we took 14.5 of a possible 21
match points, or 69.04%.
When the cards continued to frown on
us during the afternoon session, I decided to shake things up by getting more
aggressive despite my weak hands. The results were not pretty – minus 1,100 points.
Twice. Add another three bottom boards and it’s no surprise that we finished at
39.13%, dead last among the East-Wests, but fortunately not last overall.
Thus chastened, I was determined to
accept my fate if the cards dictated defense on Friday with Selina Volpatti at
the Bridge Centre of Niagara over in St. Catharines, Ont. Sure enough, that’s
what they did on 15 of the 26 boards we played.
Destined to play defense, we played it
pretty solidly, setting our opponents eight times. A couple of those times they
were doubled. Out of a possible 180 match points in our 15 defensive hands, we collected
125.5, or 69.72%. If only our offensive play was up to that level. Nevertheless,
it was our best game yet in St. Catharines. We wound up at 61.06% overall,
second in the A strat, first in B, winning 0.91 of a master point.
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