Saturday partner Dotty May complains
about her bad luck and in our morning Sectional Tournament at the Clubs (STaC) game
at the Airport Bridge Club, I saw what she means. Where other people overbid,
our opponents wisely stayed within the realms of possibility. We made tough,
sensible contracts only to find it for naught because other pairs had gone
wildly off the rails. To that we added a few of our own mistakes, like not
taking an Ace when I should, and we wound up last among the 10 pairs in the
Howell movement with 41.81%.
The afternoon five-table Mitchell
game went a little better, despite the three disasters I noted on my score
sheet – failing to set a contract by setting up a ruff for my partner, losing
an extra trick in a contract that should have only gone down one, neglecting to
knock out the opponents’ Spade stopper in a 3 No Trump game. Nevertheless, we
emerged with a 55.38% game, second North-South, first in the B strat, fourth
overall, earning 0.98 silver points at the club. Is this worth something
district-wide? We’ll see. For the moment, my silver point total for the week is
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