Although I never do well in the ACBL Instant Matchpoint Game, I get a kick out of the immediacy of the scoring.
There they are, right in front of you on the score sheet, a list of possible
outcomes and how many match points they are worth.
As I saw on Monday, July 8, at the Airport
Bridge Club, some players can’t be bothered with figuring it out, but I revel
in it, especially when a hand turns out well. I like the thrill of knowing where you stand as the game moves along.
In our first round, the instant scoring
showed that Usha Khurana and I did quite well on two out of three hands and the
sense of encouragement was palpable. It wasn’t long, however, before that other
sense – deflation – set in. Particularly deflating was what seemed like a hard-fought
bid-and-make game contract that everybody made and turned out to be worth only
36 out of 100 MPS.
Then there was the hand where we ran into an
anomaly – a score that wasn’t even listed among the MPS possibilities. Here it
is – Board 3, South is dealer, East-West is vulnerable.
South (Usha)
Spades: Q-7-4-2; Hearts: 7; Diamonds:
A-6-5-4; Clubs: A-J-7-4.
West (Linda Zittel)
Spades: 6; Hearts: K-Q-J-10; Diamonds:
J-7; Clubs: K-Q-10-8-3-2.
North (me)
Spades: K-10-9-8; Hearts: 9-8-3; Diamonds:
K-Q-8-3-2; Clubs: 5.
East (Jan Hasselback)
Spades: A-J-5-3; Hearts: A-6-5-4-2;
Diamonds: 10-9; Clubs: 9-6.
The commentary booklet has South opening 1
Diamond, West going 2 Clubs, North doubling, East overcalling 2 Hearts, South
bidding 2 Spades, West raising to 3 Hearts and South winning the auction at 3 Spades.
At our table, however, North was declarer (Did I answer that 2 Club bid by overcalling with a four-card major? Might have.) The contract settled not at 3 Spades, which is makeable, but at 4 Spades after East-West
pressed to 4 Hearts. The first lead from East, not West – the 9 of Clubs – may
have made a difference. But probably not.
As I recall, I set up a cross-ruff in
Clubs and Hearts and, despite the bad trump break, somehow held Jan and Linda to just three tricks – Ace of
Spades, Ace of Hearts and one trump. Our Plus 420, a top board at the club,
turned out to be a mystery number. The list of possible scores included 470,
worth 73 MPS, and 300, worth 72 MPS, but no 420.
i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:
i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email: