Sunday, May 12, 2019

Bridge Blog 1082: The Old Prospector Detects a Glint

You oughta know this convention, you’re a Gold Life Master. You shouldn’t have blown that contract, you’re a Gold Life Master. Why aren’t you winning, you’re a Gold Life Master.
All true since I turned Gold in January. Months of underperformance. Breaking 40% begins to feel like a major achievement. It’s been so long since a true major achievement, I’ve forgotten what it feels like.  
Or at least I did until a couple weeks ago. Like the ice flowing out of Lake Erie back then, my fortunes began flowing, too. Perhaps it was the chance to play back-to-back with Canadian partner Selina Volpatti – Friday in St. Catharines, Saturday at the Airport Bridge Club over here. (Bargain for me, since member fee is $6 Canadian over there, which translates to about $4.50. No bargain for her, since our game is $8 and the exchange rate makes it more than $11 Canadian.)
The flecks of pay direct began showing up April 26-27. In St. Catharines, we had a 54.82% game, one of our best this year, but only were fifth in the A strat, only won 0.28 of a point. Over here, we stepped up to 57.41%, first in the B strat, 1.87 points.
I expected nothing on Monday, the 28th, with Usha Khurana, but everything went right. We were winners in our direction with 56.89%, getting 1.80 points.
Bridge lightning struck again the following Friday, May 3, in St. Catharines. Again, Selina and I could hardly do no wrong. First overall against that tough field with 60.42%. 1.30 points.
Saturday, with Selina, wasn’t as sharp, but our 53% was more rewarding, thanks to extra points at the Airport Club. First in B. 1.73 points. Now I was tuning into that major achievement feeling. It felt gooooood.
Third lightning strike came Monday, May 6, with substitute partner Pawan Matta. Again, everything works. We’re 61.61%. First overall. 2.48 points.
Could it happen again? It couldn't be with Marietta Kalman, who’s cut her bridge playing down to Thursdays with me because of her ailments. But it is. Our 58.44% is another first overall, another 2.48 points.
Friday-Saturday with Selina is not as masterful. Our 50.41% in a 15-table game in St. Catharines manages to get us 0.47 points, though. Saturday at the Airport Club we collapse completely in a 3½ table Howell game. At 40.97%, we’re lucky not to be dead last.

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