Sunday, March 3, 2019

Bridge Blog 1077: Promises, promises

I was so very resolute when 2018 began. No games under 40%. That warranty lasted for about as long as a Takata airbag. By the time the year was over, I visited the 30s some three dozen times.
For 2019, I made no such guarantee. Good thing I didn’t say under 30%, either. First game of the year came in at 29.58%, my first sub-30 result since 2016. It was quickly followed by a 31.60%.
That ended the visits to the lower extremities in January. February, however, was a basement blow-out. Four in the space of seven games mid-month, plus a lowball 30.36% last Tuesday. Sprinkled in between were a few spikes of success – notably the 60.42% last Monday with Bill Boardman in the ACBL Interclub game and a year-to-date peak of 65.58% a week earlier with June Feuerstein.
None of those translate into great gobs of master points, though, since this was not a month of constant extra-point joy at the Airport Bridge Club. Looks like the total for February is going to be just short of 10.

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