Friday, July 31, 2015

Bridge Blog 840: 40% miracles

I wish I could say playing prowess elevated my master point total into double digits for July, but it didn’t. Credit goes instead to a spate of 40% games during the final week of the month.
It began with 47.5% Monday with Celine Murray. Second in the B stratification, 0.69 of a point, half red. Tuesday with Paula Kotowski should have been better than 41.96%, but nevertheless gave us second place in the B strat, fractionally ahead of the two pairs who tied for first in the C strat. Another 0.69 of a point, half red. On Wednesday, Celine and I failed to improve on Monday. Just 44.4%, but second in B again, this time good for 1.28 points, half red.

The 40% curse finally was broken Thursday in a tune-up game with Barbara Libby in preparation for the Eight Is Enough Swiss team match on Aug. 9. Despite my glaring bidding mistakes, we turned in a respectable 53.2%. The reward, however, paled next to the payoffs from those 40% games. Sixth in the A strat, we collected just 0.39 of a point. Not that I'm complaining. It put me over the hurdle. My final total for the month – 10.36. 

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