Friday, February 28, 2014

Bridge Blog 743-A: February fizzle

There was an end-of-month rally this week, sort of like a last-minute sprint to the finish line at the end of a track meet. Not that I could expect to break into double digits. The rest of the race had been too slow.
There's not much to add up. 1.07 for that 55% game with Bill Boardman on Feb. 1; 0.45 for the 54.86% game with Barbara Sadkin on Feb. 10; 0.22 for the 49.40% with Dianne Bloom on Feb. 13; and 0.63 for the 59.52% game (first in B) with Barb Sadkin on Feb. 18. The other dates? Mediocrity. Or worse. 36% with Celine Murray on Feb. 19. Another 36% with Paula Salamone on Feb. 24.
That’s just 2.37 at the Airport Bridge Club until the big finale – 0.90 for first overall with 67.26% with Marietta Kalman on Tuesday the 25th (best of the year so far); 0.35 for a 55.68% game (second in B) with Celine Murray on Wednesday the 26th; and 0.50 for a 50.84% game (second in B in a bigger field) with Dianne Bloom on Thursday the 27th. Bringing the club total up to 4.12.
I’m radiating confidence Friday morning in anticipation of my weekly drive to St. Catharines. But then the phone rings. Selina Volpatti. She asks if I’ve seen my e-mail. No, not since 3 a.m. Well, she’s sent me a message. She’s sick with the flu. Can’t play today. Since it’s well past 11 a.m., I can’t shift gears and get to the Airport Bridge Club either. No more points, or fractions, for February. So it won’t matter much how they count CANSTAC. The tally for February is going to fall on the short side of 7.  

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