If I'm not amassing any points, is there anything worth blogging about? Well, like the weather, although I'm not getting much warmer at the bridge table, my tales of woe for the past couple weeks are getting gradually brighter.
Case in point, my Wednesday partner, Celine Murray, and I improved our game from a tied-for-next-to-last 43.45% last week to a next-to-last 47.03% this week. And on Tuesday, partner Marietta Kalman and I poked our heads above 50%, a basis point shy of winning a fraction of something. (If only I had informed her properly when she asked what trump was on that one hand ... if only I had counted my cards on that hand where I had only 12 of them ... coulda-shoulda ad infinitum).
It's still adding up to a dismal March and the chances for redemption are running out. If Thursday turns out to be Maundy and Friday fails to be Good (over in St. Catharines), then I'll have to reach out for a touch of the divine on Holy Saturday. Or maybe a miracle of stratification.
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